Educating Children
Life Centre Academy (LCA) was founded with a vision to provide quality education to poor and marginalized children. With 13 full-time staff, LCA is able to provide 250 students with quality and free education. It also runs 6 satellite schools in different locations where 150 children from economically disadvantaged communities are receiving free education.
Our Story
Life Centre Academy first started out as a church ministry to the local kids that were part of the nomad community called - Banjara. The team used to go the tent homes that were built on abandon or empty plots of land where they would gather and sing songs, play games and do after school activities. Soon the number of kids started to grow and the ministry started to spread. What the leaders and pastors came to realize through time is, that most of these kids did not have adequate access to education. There were a couple of reasons for that, some didn't have parents and depended on grandparents or other family members to raise them, some were completely on their own and had to rag-pick and beg on the streets just to make it through the day or hope for a miracle.
Well the miracle came in the form of Life Centre Academy, where all these children who otherwise may not have had the opportunity to go to school let alone get a full education, now get to arrive in uniforms, get a good hot meal, and be surrounded by teachers and peers that truly care about them. For many LCA, has become a safe haven and a place they can call home.
We can share stories upon stories, from how we have to shave most of the student's heads to clean the lice and teach them to bathe with clean water and toiletries or how their first winter at LCA they get a warm sweater, socks and shoes that can keep them warm. What seems basic to us, is luxury to them and through LCA we have been able to help hundreds of kids dream of a future that would not be on the streets, but in homes that they can now build for their families.